Tags cosmetic dentistryBenefits of Cosmetic DentistryClinicalvor 29/04/2024 We explore the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments and how they can transform your smile.
Tags tooth sensitivityHow to get rid of tooth sensitivity?Clinicalvor 15/04/2024 There are various strategies that can be implemented at home to minimise tooth sensitivity.
Tags pigmented teethHow heavily pigmented foods impact teeth and how to maintain the perfect balance between flavour and a bright smileClinicalvor 08/04/2024 How heavily pigmented foods impact teeth and how to maintain the perfect balance between flavour and a bright smile
Tags healthy mindThe Connection Between Dental Care and Mental HealthClinicalvor 01/04/2024 In a world where well-being is often measured by the visible, few recognise the invisible link that connects oral health…
Tags actorStar Smile: Dental Care Tips from Hollywood ArtistsClinicalvor 18/03/2024 Hollywood smiles: advanced hygiene, rich diet, aesthetics and technology. Shine within everyone's reach.
Tags broken toothWhat to do in case of dental trauma?Clinicalvor 11/03/2024 "What do I do now?" This is the starting point of our journey through urgent care in the event of…
Tags bacteriaOral Biomes: Microorganisms that Protect and ThreatenClinicalvor 04/03/2024 The vast and intricate universe of the oral cavity is home to a microbial community as diverse as the stars…
Tags mouthMouth Maps: What Your Saliva Reveals About YouClinicalvor 19/02/2024 Saliva is a treasure trove of information, a veritable biometric ocean that reflects the general health of the body. Composed…
Tags oral healthSpeech, Chewing and Posture: The Hidden Connection to Oral HealthClinicalvor 05/02/2024 We explore how body posture, the way we speak and chew can affect oral health in surprising ways.