Tags 30 minutesWhite teeth in 30 minutes: is it possible?Clinicalvor 16/10/2023 With our busy lives, the tantalising question arises: is it possible to get white teeth in just 30 minutes?
Tags ciaDental Wires and Espionage: How the CIA Used Orthodontics in Secret Missions!Clinicalvor 19/09/2023 Who would have thought that by visiting the orthodontist, you'd be entering a world of intrigue and espionage worthy of…
Tags green teaThe Magic of Green Tea in Dentistry: A Cup Full of Surprises!Clinicalvor 18/09/2023 In this article, we'll explore fascinating studies that shed light on the dental mysteries hidden in a simple cup of…
Tags binge watchingDentistry in the age of streaming: The impact of binge-watching on your smileClinicalvor 11/09/2023 Have you ever wondered about the unexpected connection between binge-watching and oral health?
Tags nutritionThe connection between diet and oral health: revealing scientific findingsClinicalvor 04/09/2023 Oral health has always been seen through the lens of oral hygiene. However, recent research has broadened this spectrum, demonstrating…
Tags cavitiesStress and its Influence on Oral HealthClinicalvor 21/08/2023 Stress isn't just an emotional experience; it's a state that reverberates throughout our entire being, including our oral health.
Tags dental flossMastering FlossingClinicalvor 14/08/2023 In this journey through the world of flossing, we'll explore how this seemingly simple practice can take your smile to…
Tags paediatric dentistryThe importance of dental care in childhoodClinicalvor 31/07/2023 Protect your children: Proper dental care from childhood is key to ensuring lifelong oral health.
Tags dental problemsHow to prevent dental problems during the summer?Clinicalvor 24/07/2023 Although they may seem disconnected, recent studies have highlighted the link between sleep disturbances and oral health problems.